Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Rejuv Skin and Laser Clinic of Eagan, Minnesota

Founded in 2006 by Steven Selchow, MD, DDS, the Rejuv Skin and Laser Clinic of Eagan, Minnesota, provides a host of services designed to enhance clients’ self-esteem. Together with a full professional staff, including nurses, injection specialists, and medical estheticians, Dr. Selchow performs such popular procedures as Botox injections, photorejuvenation, removal of unwanted hair both through waxing and laser techniques, Velashape cellulite reduction, and removal of facial moles or lesions. He also performs ReFirme, the new non-surgical skin-tightening procedure that uses radio frequencies and light energy to help clients attain a more toned and youthful appearance.

Prior to performing any procedure, the clinic staff consults with clients to assess medical history, explore the full range of options to select the most appropriate course of action, and review expectations and obligations. These consultations, a crucial component of any treatment plan, generally take from 10 minutes to half an hour.

In addition to his duties as owner and Medical Director, Dr. Steven Selchow is a practicing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and performs facial cosmetic surgery at his surgical practice, Dakota Valley Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, in Eagan and three other locations.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Causes and Treatments of Dry Socket

Steven Selchow, DDS, MD, currently runs his own private practice, Dakota Valley Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Since opening the office in 1991, Dr. Steven Selchow has offered treatment for conditions of the teeth, mouth, jaw, and face. One such disorder is dry socket, a hazard of tooth extraction. The condition is a painful inflammation that is common among individuals who have their wisdom teeth removed.

When a tooth is removed, a blood clot forms in its place to protect the nerves and bone. If that blood clot comes loose, or disintegrates after tooth removal, dry socket can occur. The result is an extremely painful sensation that can extend from the jaw to the ear. An unpleasant odor will exude from the oral cavity as well. Both symptoms can last for several days. 

Dentists and oral surgeons typically treat dry socket with medical paste and gauze. They also prescribe antibiotics to help promote healing. Additionally, pain medication may be prescribed depending on the severity of the issue. Patients can prevent dry socket by avoiding drinking through straws, smoking, and by rinsing the mouth for 24 hours after surgery. If dry socket symptoms occur, contact a dentist or oral surgeon immediately.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Complications – Pericoronitis


Board certified in oral and maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Steven Selchow leads Rejuv Skin & Laser Clinic and Dakota Valley Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. At his oral surgery practice, Dr. Seven Selchow treats a wide range of conditions affecting the mouth and jaw, including impacted wisdom teeth.

The failure of a third molar (wisdom tooth) to fully emerge through the gums is called an impaction. Partially erupted wisdom teeth can create a number of complications, including damage to the roots and nerves of neighboring teeth. Another complication is pericoronitis, which is an infection of the gum tissues surrounding the tooth. When only a portion of the third molar erupts, flaps of gum tissue form around the tooth, creating spaces where food debris, plaque, and bacteria collect. Because these areas are difficult to keep clean, inflammation and infection often occur.

Treatments for pericoronitis include cleaning the mouth with salt water and taking ibuprofen to relieve pain. Some infections require antibiotics. However, these are only temporary fixes. To prevent pericoronitis from recurring, the patient must undergo wisdom tooth extraction by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dakota Valley Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Founded by Steven Selchow, DDS, MD, in 1993, Dakota Valley Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery has three offices in Eagan, Lakeland, and Shakopee, Minnesota, the suburbs south of the Twin Cities. A fourth office is located in Owatonna, about 70 miles south of Minneapolis. The five doctors at Dakota Valley are specialists in disorders of the teeth, mouth, jaw, and facial structures. In addition to having served a minimum of four years in hospital surgical residency following dental school, all of the doctors are board certified in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Committed to delivering the highest quality of patient care, Dr. Selchow and his colleagues at Dakota Valley provide advanced dental surgery for children and adults for a broad range of needs. Among the most popular procedures offered are dental implants, extraction of problem teeth, jaw surgery, and biopsies for tumors occurring in or around the mouth and face. A more thorough description of the services and procedures available is available on the practice’s website,

In addition to his Dakota Valley practice, Dr. Steven Selchow practices cosmetic surgery at the Rejuv Skin and Laser Clinic in Eagan, which he founded in 2006. He currently serves as the clinic’s Medical Director.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Steven Selchow, DDS, MD, on Laser Mole and Lesion Removal

Though traditional surgical removal of moles and lesions requires stitching and often leaves scars, advancements in the field allow for removal without freezing, surgery, or scarring. With a CO2 laser, the skin is sealed as the laser targets the tissue, leaving a smooth surface. The procedure is quick, simple, and safe, requiring no downtime for the patient. The technique achieves optimum results on benign moles and skin irregularities such as bumps, skin tags, and warts.

Prior to the procedure, the treated area is numbed with either a topical or local anesthetic, depending on the size of the mole. No bandage is required, and although some pinkness is normal, the area should look smooth and clear after the procedure. Follow-up treatment is typically unnecessary.

About Dr. Steven Selchow:

As a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and the Medical Director of Rejuv Skin and Laser Clinic in Eagan, Minnesota, Dr. Steven Selchow has performed a wide variety of facial cosmetic procedures and has been in private practice since 1991.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Announces 2013 Meeting

Steven Selchow, DDS, MD, is a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon who has practiced for more than two decades. In addition to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Dr. Steven Selchow maintains membership in the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) is pleased to announce its 2013 Annual Meeting, Scientific Sessions, and Exhibition, which will be held October 7 through October 12, 2013, in Orlando, Florida. The AAOMS encourages all of its members to attend.

The annual meeting will feature keynote speakers discussing a variety of topics. From the latest in cosmetic facial surgery and maxillofacial oncology to workshops on advanced cardiovascular life support and pediatric advanced life support, the conference will provide a wealth of information for everyone.

The AAOMS is dedicated to promoting and protecting the interests of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in order to ensure quality care for their patients. The Association encompasses more than 9,000 members in the United States.